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This 28-page professionally printed work book asks students to recall key knowledge from 5 different topics or 5 different subject areas - once per day. Suitable for one specific subject area or as a whole school resource for various subject areas.


The book includes an introduction with clear instructions on how to complete the 5 a day approach to recall and retrieval.


This resource in detail:

  • Format: 28 page A4 physical, professionally printed booklet with matt inside pages so they can be written on.
  • Editing: As they're physical books, this is not possible.
  • ISBN: Coming soon!
  • Content: 30 x professionally printed booklets

Metacognition: 5 a Day Student Work Book (Class Set)

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    Please note: If this is a free resource, the download link will appear in the resource's description.

    Have you seen our expanding range of Pocket Power Up booklets? They're now available for OCR and EdExcel GCSE Business Studies and CNATs in Creative iMedia and Enterprise and Marketing!

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