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This professionally printed A4 retrieval work booklet contains 87 low stakes questions/activities for learners to complete in preparation for their OCR GCSE Business Studies Paper 2 exam. The booklet contains 24 pages; the internal pages are matt finish so can be written on using pen or pencil. The cover is laminated, so the book is hard wearing and will last learners the entire course if required.


Questions and activities are presented in low-stakes retrieval style; they are for recall of the topics and not presented in exam style (except the last review section). Each of the retrieval questions is also given a star rating; teachers may wish to guide learners to particular star questions. The booklet is presented in order of the Business 2 specification, so it's perfect for recall after delivering a topic OR ideal for longer exam revision sessions where learners could complete the booklet in its entirety. 


Answers are not printed in the book for obvious reasons; they are available as a separate PDF document available to teachers.


This resource in detail:

  • Format: 24 page A4 physical, professionally printed booklet
  • Editing: As it's a physical book, this is not possible. The book can be written is as the internal pages are not gloss finish.
  • Content: 1 x Business 2 Retrieval Work Booklet (printed).

OCR GCSE Business 2 (J204) Retrieval Work Booklet


    Please note: If this is a free resource, the download link will appear in the resource's description.

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