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This simple, 16 page booklet provides revision tips for students in the lead up to mocks, GCSEs or 'A' Level examinations. There is a page to plan out all exams to be sat (in order) as well as ten pages to plan revision in the lead up to and during an exam season. 


Professionally printed with a laminated cover to ensure the booklet can be used throughout an exam season and remain in good condition.


This resource in detail:

  • Format: A4 professionally printed booklet with laminated cover and matt inside pages (for writing on with ease)
  • Editing: As they're physical books, this is not possible.
  • ISBN: 978-1-8383162-8-0
  • Content: 1 x professionally printed booklet consisting 16 pages.

Student Revision Schedule/Planner Booklet


    Please note: If this is a free resource, the download link will appear in the resource's description.

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